We follow the National Curriculum objectives for Music and plan interactive,creative lessons from these.We aim to inspire an appreciation of the importance of music and for children to learn a balance of singing,composition,appraisal,knowledge and skills.We are committed to ensuring that all children are taught to sing and to understand how music can be created and used and to them developing their own performance,listening and evaluating skills.Whole school assemblies and plays help to embed Music learning.Music is delivered in instrumental lessons (guitar,keyboard and violin),through choir singing and in classroom lessons,it is also enriched by using the Cumbria Charanga scheme.The elements of music are progressively taught so that the children can establish an appreciation of music and analyse how it is made as well as how to play,apply skills and read basic notation.
Children are supported to take an active part in music and to understand and use correct musical vocabulary based on the objectives and the skills. We aim to develop their enjoyment of music,gaining achievements to be proud of, building self-esteem and social interaction. Creative learning is at the core of our music planning and we link music to other curriculum areas such as Science and French, with links also to Rights Respecting School,Rights of the Child and P4C. Opportunities for performance,composition and participation in external activities such as the Cathedral Outreach Programme and the Blue Jam concert at Rheged are provided wherever possible and have a valuable impact on music learning.
You can see the National Curriculum Music Programmes of study by clicking on the link below