The whole school had a fantastic morning climbing at Eden Rock in Carlisle. Rhona was our expert and led the way, showing all her friends what to do!

Some people were a little nervous as this was a new experience for them and they weren’t sure they wouldn’t be afraid of being high up. However, everyone listened to the instructors and then had a go and were thrilled and exhilarated when they succeeded. There is so much intrinsic reward in trying something new that is a challenge for you and discovering that with some effort and a positive attitude you can succeed!

We all returned to school feeling great.


Here are some of our thoughts about the trip


Stan “I loved how challenging it was.”


Faye “It made the adrenalin pump when I reached the top, especially on the hardest wall!”


Elsa “I really enjoyed it and it inspired me, so now I’ve started climbing.”


Sylvia “I wasn’t really sure about it but in the end it was fun.”


Lexi “I’m scared of heights but when I actually did it I can now go on other high things.”


George “Eden Rock was very adventurous and you could pick which area to climb and go as high as you like. Eden Rock rocks!”