Pupil Premium 

The Pupil Premium is a type of funding provided by the government. It is intended to address underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. It is the school’s decision how this money is spent. The main causes for disadvantage and vulnerability in our community are rural poverty and rural isolation.

Although Armathwaite village is a service hub because it has a number of services, it is also an area of rural sparsity. This means people often have to travel to find employment. The nearest towns are over ten miles from the village which can restrict opportunities to meet new people and have a range of experiences, particularly if families are experiencing rural poverty. These sort of experiences help children to develop self-confidence and learn new vocabulary.

Children growing up in rural isolation or with rural poverty often start school "word poor" which means they don't have as many words to use in their learning. Limited vocabulary ~being word poor has a significant impact on the progress children make in school.

For this reason the main priorities for our pupil premium fund often link to speech and language and communication support. We are also fully committed to supporting disadvantaged and vulnerable children to access all areas of the school curriculum, including visits, after school clubs and other enrichment activities. We also offer nurture support for children and support and advice for parents.

The document below explains how much pupil premium we received at Armathwaite School last year, how that money was spent and the impact of this spending.

Pupil Premium Strategy and Recovery Plan 2023-24

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2023 to 2024 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year.

Funding Overview

For 2023 -2024 a figure of £8,730 has been received for pupil premium

The Covid Recovery Grant received is £1000

Total funds ~ £9,730 which has been targeted and spent as outlined below.



School name

Armathwaite Community Primary School

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers


Date this statement was published

December 2023

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2024

Statement authorised by

Helen Hepworth

Pupil premium lead

Helen Hepworth


Joseph Askew


Targeted Use of Funds

Support priorities are to continue to close gaps for pupil premium pupils and to support disadvantaged pupils with their education recovery following the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Consistency is always an important focus and this is even more the case in light of the COVID pandemic. Specific targeted intervention is needed to meet individual needs. These sessions will take place in one to one or group sessions to maximise impact.

Our intent is to provide cultural capital and a rich, broad, creative, inspiring and enabling learning environment, including our curriculum, that ensures that the gaps between pupil premium and non-pupil premium pupils both within school and nationally is closed. Whilst this includes attainment and progress, our intent is to ensure that, alongside all children in our school, pupil premium children gain the social, emotional and learning skills to become strong, confident and self-driven independent learners who develop a life-long love of learning.

Funding is being used to support the provision of:

Age range

Provide nurture time (drawing and talking) for identified children

Key Stage 2

Language and vocabulary enrichment for reading comprehension and word depth ~ closing word gaps, broadening and developing vocabulary, developing literal retrieval and inferential thinking skills

Early Years and Key Stage 2

Gap closing support for Maths ~ mathematical concepts and vocabulary

Early Years and Key Stage 2

Gap closing for English reading and writing including phonic skill development

Early Years and Key Stage 2

Confidence building sessions ~ development of positive have a go attitude. Learning self-awareness including vocabulary of learning working on independence and self-drive

Early Years and Key Stage 2

Provide maths confidence and vocabulary same day\pre-teaching intervention

Early Years, Key Stage 1 and 2

Provide additional reading sessions in school

Early Years, Key Stage 1 and 2

Provide Third Space online one-to-one maths tuition (with additional support from the National Tutoring Programme)

Upper Key Stage 2

Provide financial support with educational visits

Early Years and Key Stage 2

Free breakfast club as required

Early Years and Key Stage 2

Free access to all after school clubs

 Early Years and Key Stage 2

Developing cultural capital through tailored individual experiences

Early Years and Key Stage 2



Planned Actions, Costs and Impact Evaluation 2023 - 2024


Age of Pupils

Anticipated Costs


Nurture time

Purpose ~ opportunities to draw and talk to discuss feelings ~ intention to develop confidence, self-esteem and well-being, including support in response to the long- term effects of COVID-19 (isolation and anxiety) and individual\family relationships\dynamics.

Any children identified as or requesting support across the school year.

HLTA allocated time in the timetable 2 sessions each week on offer for PP pupils, with additional provided as required.

2 hours per week plus provision of resources ~ for example canvas frames and paint, drawing materials, pebbles etc.


Closing word gaps ~ broadening and developing vocabulary  

Intention ~ to broaden vocabulary with a specific focus on conversation and the development of tier 2 vocabulary in developing communication skills, so these pupils are able to

  • access general vocabulary and technical vocabulary (in maths, science, music etc).
  • develop comprehension skills, including confident literal retrieval and inferential thinking

Identified Early Years, Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils

Speech and language therapist

Estimated cost £2500



Free school breakfast

Intention to support families and ensure children are in school for start of the day.

As required

KS1 and 2


Possible costs £20 per week per pupil ~ (staffing and food costs)


After School Club

Access to after school clubs ~ intention to provide access to and experience of enrichment activities.


£2 per session attended. Projected costs around £300 per term



Support with costs of school visits including residential visits ~ intention access to important learning opportunities.

KS1 and KS2

Cost of visit\part cost of visit (projected £500-£600) Funding for residential, outdoor and adventurous also drawing on PE and School Sport Premium.


Developing cultural capital through planned individual experiences with the intent of providing opportunities to develop thinking, vocabulary, creativity, resilience etc, to become successful, confident learners

Opportunity to join clubs, learn sports, play an instrument, own books, visit places of interest etc

Early Years and Key Stage 2

Estimated for year £250-£300

(funding also provided through PE and School Sport Premium)


Access to Third Space online maths course ~ intention develop confidence in maths


1\2 pupils to access (£150 per term per pupil)

(NT programme)


Maths intervention support (3x30mins) ~ intention to develop confidence in maths. Whilst gaps have been closed, it remains important to provide additional support with pre-teaching and same day intervention to ensure gaps don’t reappear


STA time 4 x 30 min sessions weekly (2 hours)


Additional reading and re-reading support to develop confidence, fluency and comprehension



Teacher 3 x 20minutes additional time weekly x 2 groups


English support ~ additional language development, reading with and reading to develop and extend vocabulary, comprehension and enjoyments of books ~ book talk and turn taking conversations being key to this

KS1 and 2

Daily delivered by teacher and TA


Additional spelling session (intervention gap closing) ~ common exception words and spelling patterns, with the intention of developing confidence, accuracy, progress and attainment in writing

Handwriting sessions to develop a confident joined hand


1 x 20 to 30 session per week Teacher 

3 times per week TA




Pupil Premium Strategy and Recovery Plan 2022-23

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2022 to 2023 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year.

For 2022 -2023 a figure of £8,310 has been received for pupil premium

The COVID Recovery Grant received is £1000

Total funds ~ £9,310 which has been targeted and spent as outlined below.



School name

Armathwaite Community Primary School

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers


Date this statement was published

September 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

Helen Hepworth

Pupil premium lead

Helen Hepworth


Joseph Askew



Targeted Use of Funds

Support priorities are to continue to close gaps for pupil premium pupils and additional pandemic recovery related gaps. Consistency is always an important focus and this is even more the case in light of the COVID pandemic. Specific targeted intervention is needed to meet individual needs. These sessions will take place in one to one or group sessions to maximise impact.

Our intent is to provide cultural capital and a rich, broad, creative, inspiring and enabling learning environment, including our curriculum, that ensures that the gaps between pupil premium and non-pupil premium pupils both within school and nationally is closed. Whilst this includes attainment and progress, our intent is to ensure that, alongside all children in our school, pupil premium children gain the social, emotional and learning skills to become strong, confident and self-driven independent learners who develop a life-long love of learning.

Funding is being used to support the provision of:

Age range

Provide nurture time (drawing and talking) for identified children

Key Stage 1 and 2

Language and vocabulary enrichment for reading comprehension and word depth ~ closing word gaps, broadening and developing vocabulary

Key Stage 2

Gap closing support for Maths

Key Stage 2

Gap closing for English reading and writing

Key Stage 2

Confidence building sessions ~ development of positive have a go attitude. Learning self-awareness including vocabulary of learning.

Key Stage 1 and 2

Provide maths confidence and vocabulary same day\pre-teaching intervention

Key Stage 1 and 2

Provide additional reading sessions in school

Key Stage 2

Provide Third Space online one-to-one maths tuition (with additional support from the National Tutoring Programme)

Upper Key Stage 2

Provide financial support with educational visits

Key Stage 1 and 2

Free breakfast club as required

Key Stage 1 and 2

Free access to all after school clubs

 Key Stage 1 and 2


Planned Actions, Costs and Impact Evaluation 2022 - 2023


Age of Pupils

Anticipated Costs


Nurture time

Purpose ~ opportunities to draw and talk to discuss feelings ~ intention to develop confidence, self-esteem and well-being, including support in response to the long- term effects of COVID-19 (isolation and anxiety) and individual\family relationships\dynamics.

Any children identified as or requesting support across the year.

HLTA allocated time in the timetable 2 sessions each week on offer for PP pupils, with additional provided as required.

2 hours per week plus provision of resources ~ for example canvas frames and paint, drawing materials, pebbles etc.

Children so value the sessions, knowing that they can ask for them whenever needed and can expect reliable regular sessions. Children report reduced anxiety and improved well-being, which also impacts on learning and progress. They can feel the positive impact it has on their well-being.

This nurture system has been developed and in place for a number of years, so children are receiving support and opportunities to reflect from a very experienced trained professional.

Closing word gaps ~ broadening and developing vocabulary  

Intention ~ to broaden vocabulary with a specific focus on conversation and the development of tier 2 vocabulary in developing communication skills, so these pupils are able to

  • access general vocabulary and technical vocabulary (in maths, science, music etc).
  • develop comprehension skills, including confident literal retrieval and inferential thinking

2 groups of identified Key Stage 2 pupils

Speech and language therapist

Estimated cost £2000


These sessions continue to have a very positive impact on those involved. Alongside use of a specific programme, vocabulary can be identified across the curriculum and very specifically during teacher reading sessions. This vocabulary is shared with our SLT who is then able to plan them into her sessions with children. This is impacting positively on progress in reading, speech, thinking skills and beginning to become evident in writing and across other curriculum areas. As planned in last year’s review, this work has continued throughout 2022-23 with meeting time, including staff meetings, planned to maximise communication between professionals. This impacts positively on pupil progress, shared professional development and positive mindset, challenging any possible unconscious bias.

Free school breakfast

Intention to support families and ensure children are in school for start of the day.

As required

KS1 and 2


Possible costs £20 per week per pupil ~ (staffing and food costs)

Families have taken up this offer, bringing children into school early and supporting family finances. There may be more need for this type of support as the cost of living continues to rise. It is particularly significant in our rural setting where rural poverty can be hidden.

After School Club

Access to after school clubs ~ intention to provide access to and experience of enrichment activities.


£2 per session attended. Projected costs around £300 per term

After school club is being accessed very regularly on most days by a high percentage of pupil premium pupils. Some clubs are free for all children and the offer is made that any family needing support can access clubs free of charge. Also, for families with more than 2 children, costs are capped.

Support for activities\lessons including swimming School Sport and PE Fund).

Some pupil premium children were also provided with bookcases and a visit to a book shop to choose and buy their own books. These children made significant progress with their reading (see intervention provided), so it was important for these children to have books of their own. This was a very positive experience for them.

Support with costs of school visits including residential visits ~ intention access to important learning opportunities.

KS1 and KS2

Cost of visit\part cost of visit (projected £500-£600)

Support has been provided for residential and other visits, providing access for all and contributing to the poverty proofing we aim to provide across school. Residential visit payments were made to ensure poverty proofing was removed. Included in plans were the resources available at the centre we visited, which meant no cost to parents for clothing, footwear etc was required. PE and School Sports Premium was used to support residential visits.

Access to Third Space online maths course ~ intention develop confidence in maths, closing gaps and increasing progress and attainment.


3\4 pupils to access (£150 per term)

(NT programme)

We were able to provide Third Space to KS2 pupils using our Recovery Curriculum grant and the National curriculum. This personalised programme, delivered by a tutor in consultation with the class teacher is effective in closing gaps and helping children to keep up. This is why we continue to use it. In closing gaps this year, pandemic gaps and confidence were main priorities. As pupils accessed the programme, gaps closed and confidence grew, progress was made by all pupils involved. This virtual tutoring is also effective for developing independence in our students and will continue in the next academic year.

Maths intervention support (3x30mins) ~ intention to develop confidence in maths


STA time 4 x 30 min sessions weekly (2 hours)

Maths intervention tutoring, both in school hours and in after school slots has impacted very positively for students involved. It has supported gap closing and misconceptions, but also organisation, visual patterns and sequences and comprehension involved in multi-step problem solving. This work continued from last year and results of the impact were evident in statutory testing

Additional reading and re- reading support



Teacher 3 x 20minutes additional time weekly x 2 groups

Additional reading has continued to impact very positively on the children involved, not least in their attitude and enjoyment of reading. Through regular carefully planned and supported reading they have developed confidence in themselves and begun to see themselves as readers. PP pupil gaps have been closed, evidenced in progress in KS2 and in Year 6 SATs, despite the challenges and gaps created by the pandemic. It has also been invaluable in supporting the whole group in building vocabulary and developing inference. Reading three times each week with a teacher (2 different teachers planning and working together) has been a significant time commitment, but the results are very clear. The children in this group have moved from being reluctant to keen readers, seeking out the teacher and asking ‘are we reading today’. This group will continue with additional books purchased to support our developing independent readers and we plan to purchase further fluency books to support this.

English support ~ additional language development, reading with and reading to

KS1 and 2

Daily delivered by teacher and TA

Daily targeted support and overlearning benefitted identified children, aiding recovery and helping children involved to catch and work towards keeping up with the expected age-related standards.

Additional spelling session (intervention gap closing) ~ common exception words and spelling patterns.

Handwriting sessions


1 x 20 to 30 session per week Teacher 

3 times per week TA

Following phonic sessions last year, the move of focus to spelling sessions was intended to provide focus on common exception words and spelling patterns. This linked to letter formation and joined handwriting practise for in year new to school children. The spelling sessions provided opportunities for the group to use and apply their handwriting and spelling in guided writing sessions. The impact was positive and more CEWs are being consistently correctly spelt and formed.

After school multiplication club to provide additional focused time to class teaching in a fun club, increasing multiplication confidence, resulting in children enjoying multiplication and being able to draw upon, use and apply it confidently and accurately in their everyday maths.


One hour weekly delivered by teacher

The multiplication club was again open to all Year 4 pupils and was very well attended and enjoyed. Through games and activities, the teacher developed pupil confidence and helped children to become secure in multiplication recall. Games and activities provided opportunities for concrete and pictorial experience to reinforce understanding and therefore confidence. All children in Year 4 made progress from starting points, particularly PP pupils ~ gaps were closed with 100% of Year 4 children scoring 20 or above in the statutory Year 4 multiplication check.


Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2021-22

For 2021-22 a figure of £4035 has been received

Targeted Use of Funds

Support priorities are to aid recovery from the pandemic. Consistency is always an important focus and this is even more the case in light of the Covid pandemic. Specific targeted intervention is needed to meet individual needs. These sessions will take place in one to one or group sessions to maximise impact.

Funding is being used to support the provision of:

Age range

Provide nurture time (drawing and talking) for identified children, including in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Key Stage 1 and 2

Language and vocabulary enrichment for reading comprehension and word depth ~ closing word gaps, broadening and developing vocabulary

Key Stage 2

Gap closing support for Maths

Key Stage 2

Gap closing for English reading and writing

Key Stage 2

Confidence building sessions ~ development of positive have a go attitude. Learning self-awareness including vocabulary of learning.

Key Stage 1 and 2

Provide maths confidence and vocabulary same day\pre-teaching intervention

Key Stage 1 and 2

Provide additional reading sessions in school

Key Stage 2

Provide Third Space online one-to-one maths tuition (with additional support from the National Tutoring Programme)

Upper Key Stage 2

Provide financial support with educational visits including residential visits

Key Stage 1 and 2

Free breakfast club as required

Key Stage 1 and 2

Free access to all after school clubs

 Key Stage 1 and 2



Planned Actions, Costs and Impact Evaluation 2021-22


Age of Pupils

Anticipated Costs


Nurture time

Purpose ~ opportunities to draw and talk to discuss feelings ~ intention to develop confidence, self-esteem and well-being, including support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of lockdowns (isolation and anxiety).

Any children identified as or requesting support across the year.

HLTA allocated time in the timetable 2 sessions each week on offer for PP pupils, with additional provided as required.

2 hours per week


Closing word gaps ~ broadening and developing vocabulary  

Intention ~ to broaden vocabulary with a specific focus on conversation and the development of tier 2 vocabulary in developing communication skills, so these pupils are able to access general vocabulary and technical vocabulary (in maths, science, music etc).

2 groups of identified Key Stage 2 pupils

Speech and language therapist

£450 per termly block per group


Free school breakfast

Intention to support families and ensure children are in school for start of the day.

As required

KS1 and 2


Possible costs £20 per week per pupil ~ (staffing and food costs)


After School Club

Access to after school clubs ~ intention to provide access to and experience of enrichment activities.

Promote and support weekly musical instrument lesson in school as required

£1.50 per session attended. Projected costs around £300 per term


Support with costs of school visits including residential visits ~ intention access to important learning opportunities.

KS1 and KS2

Cost of visit\part cost of visit (projected £500-£600)


Access to Third Space online maths course ~ intention develop confidence in maths


1 pupil to access      (£150 per term)

(NT programme)


Maths intervention support (3x30mins) ~ intention to develop confidence in maths


STA time 4 x 30 min sessions weekly (2 hours)


Additional reading and re-reading support


Teacher 3 x 20minutes additional time weekly x 2 groups


NIP Numicon Maths Intervention Programme ~intention to close maths gaps 


TA time 15 minutes daily


English support ~ additional language development, reading with and reading to

KS1 and 2

Daily delivered by teacher and TA


Additional phonic session (intervention gap closing)


2 x 20 to 30 minute sessions per week

Teacher and TA


After school phonic and multiplication club


One hour weekly delivered by teacher




Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2020-21

For 2020-21 a figure of £5394 has been received

Targeted Use of Funds

Funding is being used to support the provision of:

Age range

Provide speech and language intervention, including narrative therapy

Key Stage 1 and 2

Language and vocabulary enrichment for reading comprehension and word depth ~ closing word gaps, broadening and developing vocabulary

Key Stage 2

Provide nurture time (drawing and talking) for identified children, including in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Key Stage 1 and 2

PEEP  parental engagement sessions to support home school relationship in order to achieve working together in partnership 

Early Years

Provide maths number intervention

Key Stage 1

Provide additional reading sessions in school

Key Stage 1 and 2

Provide Third Space online one-to-one maths tuition

Key Stage 2

Provide physical development including Smart Moves

Key Stage 2

Provide financial support with educational visits

Key Stage 1 and 2

Free breakfast club as required (in line with COVID-19 guidance)

Key Stage 1 and 2

Free access to after school clubs (in line with COVID-19 guidance)

Key Stage 1 and 2



Planned Actions, Costs and Impact Evaluation 2019-20


Age of Pupils

Anticipated Costs


Continue successful speech and language support introduced in 2018-19 and continued in 2019-20, including narrative therapy and one to one speech and language intervention ~ intention to close word gaps and build speech and language skills.


Individual work will be shared with home with follow up activities provided for home and school. TA\HLTA to provide additional support in school with teachers aware and reinforcing this learning during class.


EYFS\KS1 and KS2

Speech and language specialist support for narrative therapy\one to one intervention ~ weekly 30 minute session with preparation time factored into costs  ~ £450 per term

Individual sessions with speech and language specialist estimated at £400  per term

Staff costs TA\STA 38 hours per member of staff.

This intervention, one to one and in small groups continued to have a positive impact in 2020-21. This is has been of particular importance in the COVID pandemic, with the lockdowns and home learning. With careful risk assessments in place, we were able to minimise sessions missed. Progress was evident in the confidence gained by the children involved, particularly in EYFS.

Individual sessions took place and were fed back to parents with support and advice offered for home.

Information was shared with class teachers and our TA\HLTA so they could reinforce this learning in intervention sessions and in class. Progress made by EYFS pupils has resulted in increased confidence and better than expected progress in reading.

PEEP sessions with parents~ intention to build positive, trusting working relationships between home and school.

Class teacher and HLTA (key workers)

Early Years

We will introduce short fortnightly sessions once COVID-19 guidance permits this interaction.


Unfortunately we were not able to provide these sessions due to COVID restrictions.

However, daily chats and support was given outside at the beginning and end of each day by the class teacher and support and encouragement provided through detail and support in the learning log. Good communication between school and home has developed trust which is a strong position to be in for future learning success.

Nurture time

Purpose ~ opportunities to draw and talk to discuss feelings ~ intention to develop confidence, self-esteem and well-being, including support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of lockdowns (isolation and anxiety).

Any children identified as or requesting support across the year.

STA allocated time in the timetable 2 sessions each week, with additional provided as required.

Nurture has been particularly important in light of the global pandemic. Children know they can request sessions as and when needed. Regular weekly sessions have been particularly valuable for identified children, reducing anxiety which can block learning and supporting mental health and well-being. Survey of children.

Closing word gaps ~ broadening and developing vocabulary  

Intention ~ to broaden vocabulary with a specific focus on conversation and the development of tier 2 vocabulary in developing communication skills, so these pupils are able to access general vocabulary and technical vocabulary (in maths, science, music etc).

Group of identified Key Stage 2 pupils

Speech and language therapist

£450 per termly block

The impact of weekly sessions whilst children were in school has had a positive impact on communication skills and confidence alongside the development of Tier 2 vocabulary. Students enjoy the sessions and are more confident in their reading and writing in class. The class teacher can see this impact across other areas of the curriculum too. Next step would be to focus on how these sessions could support and encourage independent reading for pleasure.

Free school breakfast

Intention to support families and ensure children are in school for start of the day.

As required


COVID-19 restrictions permitting


Possible costs £20 per week per pupil ~ (staffing and food costs)

Breakfast provided as needed. This has become a regular part of some children’s day which means they are also early in school for morning jobs and teachers are available to support them.

Access to after school clubs ~ intention to provide access to and experience of enrichment activities.

Promote and support weekly musical instrument lesson in school as required

£1.50 per session attended. Projected costs £300 to £400


Attendance of after school clubs was not possible due to Covid restrictions. After school clubs did not take place ~ just wrap around for parents needing this service.

Support with costs of school visits including residential visits ~ intention access to important learning opportunities.

EYFS\ KS1 and KS2

Cost of visit\part cost of visit (projected £500-£600)

Support for school trips and transport to swimming has been provided. As we had no residential due to the pandemic, funds were not needed to support this. However day trips did take place and two weeks of daily swimming sessions. Funds for this approximately £100.

Access to Third Space online maths course ~ intention develop confidence in maths


£150 per pupil ~ 2 pupils to access (£150 per pupil per term)

Third Space sessions provided intervention and stretch. Sessions in the summer term were provided through the National Tutoring Programme.

Maths intervention support (3x30mins) ~ intention to develop confidence in maths


STA time 4 x 30 min sessions weekly (2 hours)

Support provided during school and home learning, meaning some continuity was provided. Sessions delivered in consultation with class teachers for maximum learning opportunities to close gaps and provide pre\overlearning. This supported confidence in class.

Daily reading support


KS2 teacher 3 x 30minutes additional time weekly

Regular discreet timetabling of this for students involved had a positive and sustained impact on progress. Some narrowing of gaps is evident and confidence has grown.

NIP Numicon Maths Intervention Programme ~intention to close maths gaps 


TA time 15 minutes daily

Daily NIP sessions took place, providing opportunities to revisit former learning to be sure children felt confident in early counting and calculation and to unpick any misconceptions that may have developed.

Physical development support including Smart Moves ~ work on building core strength, stamina and physical confidence. Intention ~ to develop awareness of benefits to health and well-being of being physically active.




TA time 2x20 mins weekly

TA time 2x30 mins weekly (COVID-19 restrictions permitting)

 Sessions were delivered in school whenever possible. Lockdowns resulted in gaps in sessions at KS2. Other children were able to access sessions due to attendance throughout lockdowns and benefits in listening skill development, confidence, self-regulation and coordination were evident. The impact of this work transfers to other learning such as early writing development (transcription ~ large and fine motor skills).

One of the main aims at KS2 was to find forms of physical activity which would be enjoyable and support physical and positive mental health and well-being. This was not as effective as hoped, partly due to restrictions but if needed in the future, a different approach might prove to have a greater impact.


English support ~ additional language development, reading with and reading to


Daily delivered by teacher and TA

As this was achievable on a daily basis, consistency of approach and expectations really had a strong impact and provided opportunities to develop confidence, self-belief and through this positive learning habits. This needs to be nurtured and developed further to become fully established.  




Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2019-20

For 2019-20 a figure of £5280 has been received

Targeted Use of Funds

Funding is being used to support the provision of: Age range
Speech and language intervention in Key Stage 1 Key Stage 1
Language and vocabulary enrichment for reading comprehension and word depth Key Stage 2
Provide speech and language intervention, including narrative therapy and Key Stage 1
PEEP  parental engagement sessions to support home school relationship and build trust in order to achieve working together in partnership   Key Stage 1
Provide maths number intervention Key Stage 1
Provide homework support Key Stage 2
Provide additional reading sessions in school Key Stage 1 and 2
Provide Third Space online one-to-one maths tuition Key Stage 2
Provide physical development including Smart Moves Key Stage 2
Provide financial support with educational visits Key Stage 1 and 2
Free breakfast club as required Key Stage 1 and 2
Free access to after school clubs Key Stage 1 and 2

Planned Actions, Costs and Impact Evaluation 2019-20
Intervention Age of Pupils Anticipated Costs Impact
Continue successful speech and language support introduced in 2018-19, including narrative therapy group and one to one speech and language intervention ~ intention to close word gaps and build speech and language skills. KS1 Speech and language specialist support for narrative therapy group ~ weekly 30 minute session with preparation time factored into costs  ~ £400 per term

Staff costs TA\STA 38 hours per member of staff.

This programme has provided regular, consistent, well-structured intervention for the children involved. Support staff and families have been included so the work carried out during the sessions has been extended across the whole week.

The specific aim of these sessions has been to build vocabulary and develop spoken language. This has been evident in confidence and progress in reading and writing as well as spoken language for the pp pupil in this group. Reading gaps have been narrowed and writing gaps reduced. This is despite the impact of COVID-19. Work carried out prior to March 2020 was consolidated in the school bubble from June 2020.
PEEP sessions with parents~ intention to build positive, trusting working relationships between home and school KS1 and 2 30 minutes weekly ~ STA

19 hours across the school year

When sessions were attended the impact was positive for parents and children involved. However, attendance was not consistent due to ill heath, shielding and other challenges. Phone conversations maintained links and the relationship was positive. However, the impact on learning at home (reading etc) has not been realised.
Nurture time

Purpose ~ opportunities to draw and talk to discuss feelings ~ intention to develop confidence, self-esteem and well-being

KS2 (and any other Key Stage pupils as required) STA allocated time in the timetable 2 sessions each week, with additional provided as required. Nurture has a significant impact on all children who attend. They ask for the sessions and very much look forward to this discreet time when they can talk safely. Children report that the sessions make them feel better. They enjoy drawing and talking. Some children have appreciated he opportunity to have sessions with other children, so they can discuss and share how they feel in a safe and confidential environment. These sessions will definitely continue going forwards.
Closing word gaps ~ broadening and developing vocabulary  

Intention ~ to broaden vocabulary with a specific focus on conversation and the development of tier 2 vocabulary in developing communication skills, so these pupils are able to access general vocabulary and technical vocabulary (in maths, science, music etc) initial focus ~enter the RCSLT’s speech and language joke writing competition.

Group of identified Key Stage 2 pupils 12 Speech and language therapist

£400 per termly block

These sessions had a positive impact on vocabulary and comprehension skills. This was observed by teachers prior to lockdown. Use of Connectors books to support this learning was very effective. It provided steps to acquire, develop and reinforce Tier 2 vocabulary. The group were very excited to enter the joke writing competition. This group had a positive impact on confidence of the children involved.
Free school breakfast

Intention to support families and ensure children are in school for other identified learning support work identified in this table.

Based on uptake by two of the group of eligible pupils £20 per week (staffing and food costs) ~ across three terms approximately £720

Positive impact on focus and energy levels in school. Provided during breakfast club time or later if needed.

When accessed the 8.30am to 9am opportunity for one to one homework support had a positive impact in KS2.

Access to morning jobs had a positive impact in KS1. Gaps were closed.
Access to after school clubs ~ intention to provide access to and experience of enrichment activities.

Promote and support weekly musical instrument lesson in school

KS1 and KS2


£1.50 per session attended. Projected costs £300 to £400


After school club access was provided. Assistance was offered for guitar lessons. Guitar lessons were taken up without financial support required.

Support with costs of school visits including residential visits ~ intention access to important learning opportunities. KS1 and KS2 Cost of visit\part cost of visit (projected £500-£600) Residential visits did not take place due to Covid-19. However, support was provided for costs of other visits prior to March 2020.
Access to Third Space online maths course ~ intention develop confidence in maths KS2 £150 per pupil (£150 to £300) Third Space was accessed by two pupils. The impact was on confidence, closing identified gaps and providing challenge and stretch as appropriate for the pupils involved.
Maths intervention support (3x30mins) ~ intention to develop confidence in maths

And one after school homework slot (30mins) ~ intention to develop independence in doing homework

KS2 STA time 4 x 30 min sessions weekly (2 hour ~ cost across year ~ Support was provided by STA (maths intervention trained) ~ consistency made a positive difference. Involvement in homework support meant that a check was provided and encouragement could be given to complete homework, establishing a pattern of learning behaviour prior to the transition to secondary school. Some intervention stopped in March 2020 when COVID-19 restrictions were introduced. Some sessions continued online.
NIP Numicon Maths Intervention Programme ~intention to close maths gaps   KS1 TA time 15 minutes daily The positive impact of daily NIP group sessions was effective in closing identified gaps. Opportunities to practise and reinforce learning was integral to this. Progress made by children in the group was closing gaps at the time of lockdown March 2020.
Physical development support including Smart Moves ~ work on building core strength, stamina and physical confidence. Intention ~ to develop awareness of benefits to health and well-being of being physically active. KS1


TA time 2×20 mins weekly

TA time 2×30 mins weekly

Smart Moves was delivered regularly up to the point of lockdown. KS1 group focus built core strength and control\self-regulation.

KS2 ~ The importance of developing confidence and enthusiasm for physical activity is so important ~ this encouragement will continue going forwards.
English support ~ additional language development, reading with and reading to EYFS\KS1 Daily delivered by teacher and TA\STA Delivered daily during a 30 minute slot. This was linked closely to comprehension and the closing the word gap group (above). Pre-reading of material and follow up was beneficial in developing confidence for group and class sessions.
Reading and reading comprehension

Reading and sharing books ~ intention to support independence in reading and reading comprehension skills through shared reading and conversations.

 KS2 Daily support 8.30 to 9am TA (2.5 hours staff cost per week) ~ cost across the school year ~ 95 hours These sessions were delivered whenever possible. Two pupils in upper KS2 attended and benefitted from this discreet time. Pre-reading of reading comprehension material was very useful in preparing for sessions rather than picking up after. This provided a much more positive approach\experience for the pupils involved.

Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2018-19

For 2018-19 a figure of £7290 has been received


Funding is being used to provide:

  • Speech and language intervention in early years
  • Language and vocabulary enrichment for reading comprehension and word depth in Key Stage 2
  • Free breakfast club including parental engagement work ~ all
  • Free access to after school clubs ~ all
  • Provide additional reading sessions in school ~ all
  • Provide homework support ~ Key Stage 2
  • Provide talk boost and PEEP sessions ~ early years
  • Provide maths number intervention in early years
  • Provide Third Space online one-to-one maths tuition ~ Key Stage 2
  • Provide physical development including Smart Moves and Super Movers ~ all
  • Provide financial support with educational visits ~all


Intervention Age of Pupils Anticipated Costs Impact
Speech and language support including Talk Boost, narrative therapy group and one to one speech and language intervention EYFS\KS1 STA and TA time

Speech and language specialist support for narrative therapy group project

one to one support ~ weekly 30 minute session with preparation time factored into costs

Also, staff costs TA\STA 38 hours per member of staff per session with follow up across the week ~ 20 hours per member of staff

PEEP sessions with parents EYFS 30 minutes weekly ~ STA and early years lead.

19 hours

Nurture time

Purpose ~ opportunities to draw and talk to discuss feelings

~ to develop confidence and self-esteem

~ to broaden vocabulary with a specific focus on conversation and the development of tier 2 vocabulary developing communication skills

KS2 (and possibly other Key Stage pupils) STA  
Free school breakfast

This will support the family and ensure the children are in school for other identified learning support work identified in this table.

Eligible pupils £20 per week (staffing and food costs) ~ across three terms  
Access to after school clubs EYFS and KS2 £1.50 per session attended.  
Support with costs of school visits including residential visits EYFS and KS2 Cost of visit\part cost of visit.  
Access to Third Space online maths course KS2 £150 per pupil  
Maths intervention support KS2 STA time 2 x 30 min sessions weekly (1 hour ~ cost across year ~

STA time 

Early maths intervention EYFS and KS1 TA time 15 minute session daily  
Physical development including Smart Moves

Physical development support including Smart Moves ~ work on building core strength, stamina and physical confidence. Developing awareness of benefits to health and well-being of being physically active.



TA time three times each week including additional Super Movers and Smart Moves (60 mins per week

STA time 2 x 30 minute sessions each week

English support ~ additional language development and reading with and reading

Reading and reading comprehension

Reading and sharing books



Daily in class time delivered by teacher and TA\STA

Daily incorporated into homework support (below)

Homework support 1 pupil ~ KS2 Daily support 8.30 to 9am TA (2.5 hours per week) ~ cost across the school year  


Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2017-18

Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2017-18

For 2017-18 a figure of £7290 was received


Funding was used to:

  • Provide 10 sessions of personalised one to one online maths extension activities
  • Develop specific physical development skills, including core strength, mobility, balance, coordination and stamina
  • Provide additional speech and language development, reading, writing, maths and homework support
  • The provision of breakfast and after school clubs and homework support
  • Additional daily reading one to one with and adult

Additional to this the pupil premium grant supported:

  • Smart Moves
  • Spelling support
  • Support for parents with STA nurture lead
  • Numicon Intervention Maths support
  • Maths Intervention ~ one to one
  • Reading Intervention


Intervention Age of Pupils Costs Impact
Provide 10 sessions of personalised one to one online maths extension activities Key Stage 2 £150 This online maths provided excellent extension opportunities for the student involved. Working closely with the online tutor the student was able to enjoy one to one challenge and mathematical discussions. This pupil continued to work at greater depth in maths.
Develop specific physical development skills, including core strength, mobility, balance, coordination and stamina (PE and School Sports funded) Key Stage 2 Staffing 15 minutes daily (1.5 hours per week) This work was very personalised and was planned for and coordinated by the class teacher. As in previous years one to one teacher support was provided during summer term daily swimming sessions to ensure that this pupil was not only able to join in with swimming lessons but was also able to make progress, particularly with becoming confident and enjoying being in the water.
Provide additional speech and language development and homework support Key Stage 2 20 mins weekly speech and language  Homework ~ 30 mins daily. Daily homework sessions between 9 and 9.30am provided additional, discreet support without pupils needing to be removed from class.

The target for speaking and listening time was to develop breadth of vocabulary and confidence to have conversations. There has been positive impact in the self-confidence of those involved and in the willingness to ask for help rather than use avoidance strategies. We need to continue with this work next academic year.

The provision of breakfast and after school clubs and homework support (PE and School Sport part funded)   Breakfast and after school with PE fund top up. This strategy worked very well in a large part due to the commitment made by school staff to ensure pupils involved were at the right place at the right time. This meant the planned support could take place. Offer and support for after and in school clubs has proved beneficial in developing an interest in sport.

Additional to this, support has been provided for school visits and residential. This has been extremely beneficial in the case of residential which provided a positive, life experience and fun learning for pupils involved.

Additional daily reading (one to one) with and adult Key Stage 2 30 mins daily (2.5 hours per week staffing TA) This support was provided across TA staff who worked closely with the class teacher, meaning that the learning involved was joined up and fully capitalised upon. The English subject lead was also involved along with school SENCO in monitoring and ensuring progress was being made. Outcome ~ increased confidence, self-esteem and well-being. Expected progress made. Some gaps diminished, particularly in word recognition, working memory and language comprehension.
Smart Moves ~ physical development (group) Year 2 to 6 Staffing TA x 2 hours weekly Smart Moves sessions ran with some variations in timetables. Work was specifically tied into PE lessons (gymnastics) for older children with a focus on successfully applying the technique for a forward roll. Very positive progress was made by pupils involved, including 3 of our PP pupils. Confidence and self-belief are such an important part of this and having time to practise and develop the technique in discreet sessions was very valuable for all involved.
Spelling support Key Stage 2 Staffing STA 2 x 20 mins weekly Spelling support was provided with positive engagement from pupils involved. The need for additional Phase 5 and 6 work for PP and other pupils finding the transition from auditory to visual challenging has been clearly identified. Alongside this KS2 intervention work there will be activities to develop working memory. This work needs to be continued for impact to be strengthened.
Numicon Intervention Programme (group) Key Stage 1 and 2 Staffing 2×30 min plus PPA This intervention was particularly valuable, benefitting both PP pupils and non-PP pupils in the group. Work was well-planned and structured by specialist TAs involved and progress was made by all children involved. This work is continuing with identified pupils who need to further diminish gaps and is also available to avoid the development of mathematical misconceptions and reinforce the use of mathematical vocabulary. It builds confidence and self-belief for pupils involved.
Maths Intervention (one to one) Key Stage 2 6×45 min sessions plus prep ~ 6 hours staffing weekly This support was provided alongside NIP intervention. It provided opportunities to develop mathematical concepts, to correct misconceptions and to develop mathematical language. Assessments and student feedback inform personalised, specific one to one support resulting in increased pupil confidence. Tracking indicates that differences (gaps in progress and achieving national expectations) have been diminished which means this intervention has had a positive impact. This work needs to continue for identified pupils.
Reading Intervention (one to one) Key Stage 2 4×40 min sessions weekly plus PPA These sessions benefitted both PP and non PP pupils. The intervention used the programme with additional personalisation and focus on comprehension skill development. Pupils involved had benefitted from previous RI courses so personalised focus meant we were able to tailor it even further to maximise learning opportunities. The sessions also meant that pupils who were not reading at home were benefitting from additional reading time in school. The more reading these pupils do the greater their confidence in themselves as readers will become as their fluency develops. The aim is for them to see themselves as readers. A future focus is to work closely with home to develop a daily slot for reading at home so that established independent reading behaviours are in place when pupils make the transition to secondary school. This will be planned for next academic year.

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