Today, our Nursery, Reception, and Year 1 children had an absolutely fantastic morning in our outdoor area! The fresh air, hands-on activities, and sense of adventure made for a truly memorable experience.

We started off by chatting about staying safe, like making sure we always walk behind the benches, how to hold and carry sticks properly, and keeping an eye on those red ribbons marking any hazards. Everyone did a great job remembering the fire safety rules, too!

The children were then free to enjoy a range of exciting opportunities. They worked together to build a large den, showing off their teamwork and creativity. Some of our budding gardeners planted seeds, while others practiced their skills using tools under careful supervision. They loved exploring the willow dome, and the game of 'One, Two, Three, Find a Tree' had everyone laughing and running around.

And the best bit? Warming up with a cosy cup of hot chocolate! It was such a treat and the perfect way to end a busy morning.

We loved seeing all the smiles and how well everyone worked together. 


A Frosty Friday Morning